We see examples of this truth in every created flower if we choose to look. Each bud is beautiful on its own but when gathered together a most magnificent bouquet blesses our vision.
It has been said that 'perception is reality' and for the most part that is indeed the truth we live with and experience in our days in this lifetime. One may manifest their learning tools through any means that brings attention to the fact that it is their own created illusions that move us along the path of remembering who we are and how we create.
For some of us, we have chosen the whispers of fear or lack, though in reality this is not truth but merely an illusion we have focused upon.
The Mono-Tu tell us:
Fear is not to be of your mind, fear is not to be of your body, fear is to be NOT. Now is perfected in all perfection within and without of time space. Knowing of this and accepting of this is the cure that you seek to clear your thoughts to action of manifestation within your Now time. If you so chose to follow this thought of clear vision and hearing then so it be as clear vision will be your only sight. Making clear vision your only sight resolves the question placed by the asker within timespace and timeplace. Great understanding is at hand and is yours if you want this within your soul then it is so.
Our only role is to choose clear vision and in doing so we will find any answer we seek. Listening to the wise council from within will direct us to our truth. Gleaning the thread of truth in each experience or event assists each in growing in strength and understanding of what is best for us in each moment.
Leading on the pathway before you is now directed by knowing essence of your being. There is a gliding along without need of effort or energy exertion. As thought, so created. When desire is thought, manifestation has already begun.
What once appeared, as synchronicities are now known to be energy alignment. There is much joy in this!
With a keen eye on the vision appearing before us on our path we create what it is we truly desire to see. Placing our trust in our own knowingness, we will find perfect peace, harmony, joy and understanding.