Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inner Vision, Outer Manifestation

As each of us travel on our own specific spiritual journey along our personal path, we experience many adventures, come upon many ideas, create many circumstances and continue to grow in the direction of our true self. Each is unique and each is part of the collective of Oneness.

We see examples of this truth in every created flower if we choose to look. Each bud is beautiful on its own but when gathered together a most magnificent bouquet blesses our vision.

It has been said that 'perception is reality' and for the most part that is indeed the truth we live with and experience in our days in this lifetime. One may manifest their learning tools through any means that brings attention to the fact that it is their own created illusions that move us along the path of remembering who we are and how we create.

For some of us, we have chosen the whispers of fear or lack, though in reality this is not truth but merely an illusion we have focused upon.

The Mono-Tu tell us:

Fear is not to be of your mind, fear is not to be of your body, fear is to be NOT. Now is perfected in all perfection within and without of time space. Knowing of this and accepting of this is the cure that you seek to clear your thoughts to action of manifestation within your Now time. If you so chose to follow this thought of clear vision and hearing then so it be as clear vision will be your only sight. Making clear vision your only sight resolves the question placed by the asker within timespace and timeplace. Great understanding is at hand and is yours if you want this within your soul then it is so.

Our only role is to choose clear vision and in doing so we will find any answer we seek. Listening to the wise council from within will direct us to our truth. Gleaning the thread of truth in each experience or event assists each in growing in strength and understanding of what is best for us in each moment.

Leading on the pathway before you is now directed by knowing essence of your being. There is a gliding along without need of effort or energy exertion. As thought, so created. When desire is thought, manifestation has already begun.

What once appeared, as synchronicities are now known to be energy alignment. There is much joy in this!

With a keen eye on the vision appearing before us on our path we create what it is we truly desire to see. Placing our trust in our own knowingness, we will find perfect peace, harmony, joy and understanding.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Speaking Truth in the Moment

It never ceases to amaze us, as scribes of the Mono-Tu, how timely and personal the messages are for ourselves and also for everyone who reads them. For the past several weeks we have been sharing weekly messages with our myspace and facebook friends. In the receiving of these messages, just as in the book, A Shift In Consciousness, we know that the Mono-Tu are speaking to the listener with exactly what needs to be heard.

When we channeled the messages for the book and these weekly messages, both of us often wonder before sitting down, what they will talk about today. Often, we are thinking they are going to share about a particular topic and then the message is scribed and again we are astounded because it wasn't even slightly what we thought it might be.

As with the readers of our book, our friends on myspace and facebook, are telling us what was written was exactly what they needed in the moment. This is so intriguing and synchronistic to us! As the co-authors, or better yet, co-scribes we have found this to be true for ourselves as well.

We find when picking up the book, and simply turning to a page we will ‘see’ the answer to our own questions of the moment. Often the answers are very surprising and they always seem to cut right to the core of an issue that we might feel is blocking us. For both of us this has been life altering. This experience brings calmness and clarity to our lives that we didn't know existed before. As we reread the passages they continue to move us along in our understanding.

One of the most recent messages we posted follows. It’s content is a blessing and a hope for the reader and a constant reminder of the power of love.

Many within your current time place of Earth have desired vision thoughts of fear, brought forward by those of the collective that sees this as the only vision of choice. In the thinking with the higher outer mind of those sparks that choose to see with the flow, even the smallest and weakest of the collective thinking is changed. As a single thought of love, is stronger and purer than 1000 thoughts of fear.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Focus is a Choice

As scribes of the Mono-Tu and creators, just as you are, we are all blessed. Maintaining focus on the flow and the One is our only pathway. Living life in this manner allows us opportunities to see the best and choose where we focus in any given moment of NOW time.

Throughout our journey, CeCee has scribed poetic messages from the Mono-Tu often reminding us that we choose where we focus. The following poem was written last year reminding us that the ability to create is ours:

Choose Again

Creation by default or the master plan

In the drama of illusion
As observers look within
Seeing moments of confused chaos
Speculation of Source greatness
Or in agony of fear and doubt
Travelling through from past to future
Instead of focusing on the now
Particles of possibilities floating in the ether
Like a giant wheel of fortune
Spinning uncontrolled.

Choose again

Creation evolving out of chaos
In perfected harmony
Beginning as the dance of disillusion
Soon letting go, giving in
We can choose again

Take comfort in this now moment

Stretch belief within, beyond
Peek at wonderful new imaginings
Potentially now renewed
Strengthened courage to move toward the edge
Like the caterpillars journey
Chrysalis to cocoon
The gentle silent movement that is happening within
Soon reveals itself in new creation
The amazing butterfly

Choose again

No turmoil in its moment
It simply is
Evolution undeterred by minds imaginings
Source creation
Moments of reflected journey
Visual portrait of our Self.

Choose again

There are times for all human 'beings' when it is easy to stay focussed especially when all is going well. There are other times when the illusions presented before us give us opportunities to Choose Again where our focus lies. The constant message from the Mono-Tu is diligent and clear focus regardless of outward appearances.

Always it is for the Sparks highest and best to maintain pure focus on the flow and the One continuously. By focus you create. Whatever your attention is upon sets creation in motion. Attention that grows based upon what is seen in the illusionary reality will be accepted as desirous of creation by the spark. If focus is based on the illusions of the physical, mental state then such begins to be. If focus is based on the flow and the One, where purification abides, opportunities for highest and best creation are available to the Spark. It is of your own choosing to select. There is only love or the absence of it.

May you choose the best for you this day!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Images and Essence

Often when we are scribing messages from the Mono-Tu we are given visual images as we write. It is as if a movie screen with high definition is playing for our viewing pleasure. The images provide a fullness of understanding of the messages and the content has greater clarity.

All part of preparation for what is to be set before you in this timespace. Nothing is left unprepared and is made ready when timing is upon you. The pathway is illuminating with each step forward taken. Following of heart beat sound as the ancients sound the drum in the wilderness sounding messages. Ancient ritual dance begins in unison as hearts open to oneness of all on the deepest level. A cord has been struck and the movement has begun. With abandon open to the spiral dance of recognition in no space and time. It is upon you now and within your hearing. It is as a rhythmic movement of evolved energy force travelling swiftly through universality to purify each and all on its path to remembrance.

Once an image is associated with a specific message, each time it is reread by us, the visual often comes to mind along with the words. It is part of the complete package of that particular scribed message.

Each message flows with a vibrating essence whether there is a visual image evident or not. The essence in the message is 'felt' behind and between the words. Regardless if this is understood by the reader in their thinking process or not, the message brings with it a knowingness at a deep level of our being.

Word vibrations flow continuously it is simply a matter of opening to allow their essence revealed. When in the flow all circumstances created are for purification, cleansing and healing whether it appears as truth or not in corporal body. ~Mono-Tu~

You will find in 'A Shift in Consciousness' where we have been given a specific image, we have included it as part of the message for better understanding and clarity for you, the reader. It, at other times, is part of scribed message itself. Throughout the entire book the essence flows freely revealing a richness not often found in reading words authored on a page by writers alone.

The Mono-Tu's messages of love exposes this truth through the use of essence and visuals for those ready to receive. We know the messages will touch your heart exactly where you are at in this moment of Now.
Blessings to All!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Caressing Mother Earth

As scribes of the Mono-Tu we have been blessed with their messages of love through the words they give us and through the essence felt between the words. We have heard it spoken often that all of us, as spiritual journeyers, are to be in the world and not of the world.

Mother Earth enables us to be our true spiritual selves experiencing life as human beings on this amazing planet. Again and again, we are reminded to focus on her beauty and the evidence of the love Source we see continually as we become observers of nature.

Having been blessed by Mother Earth, the Mono-Tu speak to us of becoming loving care givers for her as she has provided for us. It is our hope that you too will join us in tending the gardens of existence we are each creating during our visit here on planet Earth.

As soaring above removes the veil, wisdom of understanding and perfected knowing comes. Mother earth breathes and with intake of toxic energy there is expulsion of same to provide notice to those who see. Time is for tending her, caressing her and holding to higher standards and vibrations as she clears her air space to provide oxygenation needed in process of growth and renewal.
Mono-Tu - A Shift In Consciousness, Chapter Two

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Focus Manifests Creation

Taking a moment to focus on the beauty around us has always provided a quiet respite from the busyness of life. Whether spending time in nature observing a spring sunset or simply watching the joy on children's faces as they play outside in the sunshine or they jump in puddles as raindrops fall, the Mono-Tu remind us that our focus creates.

This is a quote from chapter two entitled:
New Experiences

In each day choice is yours. Where beings focus attention manifestation creates accordingly. Maintain perfected vision on river flow seeing reflection of self in calm waters or in rushing torrents. Nature provides visual confirmation of balance and living of life for those willing to see. Gather together in harmonious synchronicity in total awareness of self beyond materiality.
Be peace!

Monday, March 2, 2009

From Awakening to Simultaneous Harmony

One of the discussions we had when determining how to set up the book was about how we would divide the content into chapters for easy reference and reading. In the beginning, we discussed doing it by dates, weeks, topic similarities but it seemed an impossible task.

We thought about it, talked about it, read and reread the messages - until on one specific day Keoilani had an inspiration for the first chapter title only - that was 'The Awakening of Our Agreement'. When we read the first few messages it made perfect sense and so we began with that.

It seemed that the answer to our long thought out question simply appeared before us when we looked to the first chapter title and discovered it was taken right from the messages following.

We scanned through the messages and inserted title pages at random, both knowing there is no such thing as random events. We chatted together and the inspiration doors once again opened up and within a few short minutes we had titled all the chapters.

When we pulled together the table of contents it gave us each chills to see the titles listed one after the other.

  1. The Awakening of Our Agreement

  2. New Experiences

  3. Weaving Threads

  4. Walking in Total Oneness

  5. Agreements in Past Dimension

  6. Multitudinal Messages

  7. Collective Voice

  8. Energy in Timespace

  9. Effects of the Shift

  10. Simultaneous Harmony

It is of ease to become the creator of joy, love, peace, and happiness in your timespace of Now once the recognition of this immense truth is observed with unobstructed vision. All sense of struggle is ended and the pathway opens granting free passage with grace of movement.

Note: Mono-Tu words in green text.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Speaking of Confirmation

Everytime we met online to work on preparing the book for publication, it seemed we received constant confirmation we were on the right path, at the right time.

It is time now to move forward. The pathway will be cleared before you with each word of truth you write, it is as if a path is being cleared of debris and anything that would hinder your way. With each and every step an invisible machete cuts through – weeds of past, fear roots, arbitrary attachments all fall away opening up the sacred view of universal truth.

When we knew everything was ready for us to take the next step, we did. We received our title ID number and uploaded the content, pictures and cover for 'A Shift In Consciousness' following their leading.

Often we chatted about what we discovered throughout the process - and were both moved to joy and excitement when we discovered that the book title ID number was the Master Number 33. Being inquisitive we wanted to know more. We found many websites referred to the double digit Master Numbers as being 'inherently masterful' or there is 'extraordinary promise symbolized in them'. These numbers are often considered other dimensional. A few of the references state that the number 33-
  • Master Teacher
  • focuses toward spiritual uplifting
  • seeks understanding and wisdom before sharing with others
  • not of this every day plane of existence
  • very spiritual
  • accesses unusual wavelengths
  • energy is largely other dimensional
  • high level of devotion
  • offers guidance to the world

How appropriate that messages from the Mono-Tu would be scribed into a book with the Master Number 33! The more we read the more amazed we were.

Talk about a confirmation!!

Next we discovered that the page numbers being 272 add up to, you guessed it, the Master Number 11 which represents vision .

These are just a couple of examples of synchronicities that have shown up for us as we work with the Mono-Tu. It is an incredible journey and we have been so blessed to make these little discoveries that affirm again and again, their love for us and all sparks of the Source .

Many Blessings to each of you.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Time Zones and Countries Disappear

We had made a commitment to write everyday for approximately 3 months. We were going to each scribe and after each of us had completed our writing, then and only then would we share our information.

We began not sure what would show up. It was absolutely mind-boggling on that first day when we sent our messages to each other and read them one after the other.

Their content was in perfect harmony and the messages followed one another as if they had been written by the same person in the same room, at the same time. In reality they were written by the same, the Mono-Tu.

We are both in different time zones and in different countries - so it was really something to compare the messages. For CeCee it was the first time for scribing messages not in poetic form and for Keoilani it was renewing something from the linear past.

In each of us there was a joy and excitement about what was clearly happening. It was a definite confirmation that we were indeed scribing their words. With each new message that was confirmed, again and again and we understood this was something special and unique that would be shared at some point.

The messages spoke to us individually and as a collective and we were learning and growing quickly. Shifts were continuous and the message behind the words grew more and more profound in each reading.

When they impressed upon us that these words were to be shared with others when the time was right, we knew it was so. And then it all happened.

Labradorite Inspired

Anyone who has written a book will know the effort and energy of bringing it all together. As scribes we knew this was the beginning of something special when the Mono-Tu impressed upon our hearts that these scribed messages were to be a book.

We have both been very open and agreeable whenever a message or statement of fact is spoken by the Mono-Tu so we knew it would happen. We didn't know how, but we knew it would.

The cover picture which we both love was created from inspiration based on a labradorite gem stone. This was a gem that the Mono-Tu directly led us to telling each of us it would provide clarity and protection. They gave us information on how to use the stone as a tool. [See their words in green text following]
Make use of the river and the stone - this is a tool for you to alter what you perceive to be that is only the thought that you are forcing to the surface.

If you are curious about the gemstone and its properties you can read more of their words in the first chapter, entitled The Awakening of Our Agreement.

Little did we know then that it would become the cover artwork until we had an inspired cover idea to use the colours of the labradorite. With few skills in how to produce it we entered into the process.
Interestingly enough, as is everything they give us, it easily fell into place and came together perfectly when we took a close up picture of an actual labradorite pendant.
We were stunned with the results. We are both loving the cover and the energy it exudes when you peer into its depths.
It is our hope that it speaks to you, the reader as well, in fact, we know it will.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Love Is All

Love is all there is, it is in the absence of this knowing that fear distorts the understanding. Focus on the NOW moment and the Source of all Love pours upon your understanding perfect peace regardless of outward distorted appearances. There is only love for sparks of the One.

This message of LOVE comes to us as scribes and to all of you as readers. It is a constant in the thread of words they convey to us and through us on a regular basis. Personally I've come to know and understand this truth at a much deeper and more profound level as I continue to listen to the words and the silence between the words of the Mono-Tu.
In those 'times' when it would be easy to look at the physical manifestations around me, I am comforted in being reminded to simplify my focus on the reality that "Love is all there is!"

May you be blessed in your remembrance.

Note: Each time the Mono-Tu is speaking we have selected to use green text [renewal and growth] Our comments or thoughts appear in regular black text.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Awakening of Our Agreement

I have chosen several small excerpts from the first chapter of a Shift in Consciousness to provide you, the reader with a hint of the writings of the Mono-Tu.

1. Taking time each day to listen and hear the words that are appearing before you is the critical application reminder. Together we will work with the vibration of words coming forth. There is power hidden within the words beyond mere letters on the page.
Each letter, each word, each page written infused with power of universal light force energy of healing and DNA encoding of understanding. Beginning in the realm of physical, moving through emotional, mental, and to spiritual, where profound recollection will be revealed easily now that you have stepped through the veil.

2. There is no time in any other dimension and or space. People of Earth believe in time and use it to control themselves. This is to slowly become unknown again and will alter every perspective of life as humans and those that desire human life to a point of good for the all. Knowing this and using the absence of time is to your assistance. Time is formed only in thoughts of the causal world not in reality of the One. [Our Creator, God, Supreme Being, Source]

3. In this present space you are and that is all that is needed – Being only is necessary, time spent in communication only is necessary, listening/ hearing, seeing/visioning only is necessary. No need of looking beyond but discovering this moment alone is necessary.

4. Many that seek to the light are now awakening the energies within that will answer the many questions of the body and the soul. This awakening has been and is a process of glacier movement [extremely slow moving] in timespace from long past to current present. So to seem of the new but not new and much older and stronger than is known by most. Many speak of this as new. Know this is not the new but the old.

5.Know this now opened cannot be closed. Energy of Source has been released moving timespace from your being. There are no limits to your expanse and your freedom. In these days you will feel change and know this truth we speak of in this your day.

6.It is helpful to research within your higher being for the truth that is presented to you always. The ability to find the seed of truth is there and it must be honoured like you honour the Creator or the One. Truth is often hidden within the words shared.

Each word scribed by us is directed to the reader and will speak to you in your Moment of Now.
Much Blessings!

Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Shift In Consciousness - Just Released

A Shift in Consciousness will inspire, uplift, and resonate with everyone who reads this book. It is one of those books that every time you open it and read you learn something new and profound about yourself. Awakening the reader to the ultimate love and understanding in how we are really creators. Also, teaching us, how to remain in a constant meditative state and be healthy in our spirit, mind and body.

It is a collaborative effort of scribed information from a group called the Mono-Tu (The One You). The messages enclosed are of profound relevance in today's world, telling us that we are perfection and expressing the joy at our very existence. The Mono-Tu say, that we are the only race in all the universes that have free will and that we are the Gift of our Source. They discuss the basics of linear time being a creation by us on a collective level as well as many other eye-opening facts about our existence, and how we came to be.

There is much fear-based information available to the public especially with all the speculations on the year 2012. The message from the Mono-Tu removes the fear on many different levels and explains that there is only ‘Now’, which includes such linear dates as 2012. This brings about a realization that this is a good time in our evolution and not the end of the world.

If you are seeking to find the truth of your place in evolution and to come to terms with the shifting in consciousness taking place during these times you will find this an excellent resource assisting you in answering your own questions.

A story of continuing creation, the messages brought forth speak truth that is received at a cellular level. We have come to know that each word and each page written speaks to you, the reader and us independently and yet when read in order tells the awesome story of creation. The very essence of the words and space between the words speaks directly to the heart.

You, the reader will be provided with comfort as the words infuse your being with incredible peace elevating your level of resonance and vibration. Whether read from beginning to end or simply turning to a page in the book, the inspirational healing words will be a cherished addition to any spiritual seekers library.

If you are looking for an opening to inspiration at your core being A Shift in Consciousness is for you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Meeting the Mono-Tu

When Keoilani first encountered the Mono-Tu in 1995 they indicated they are to be called the Mono-Tu for our benefit in having a name to reference. When asked what their name was they assured us the name was of little importance to them but for us as, human beings, they understood our needs. This would be the very first message receiving their name and the meaning:
Mono being One and Tu as the French version of You. (The One You)

The Mono-Tu is a group of beings that were described to as being from above the 9th.

Keoilani and CeCee have now been scribing messages from the Mono-Tu collaboratively for a couple of years and have recently released 'A Shift in Consciousness'.

A small excerpt follows:
While receiving messages from the Mono-Tu we are as conduits. Yet we are completely aware of our own bodies and our own individual and separate thoughts. Their love and respect of our being allows us to remain true to our own self, quirks and all. It is similar to answering the phone, you can hear and record what is being said and at the same time you are thinking and feeling separately. There have often been times for both of us while scribing their messages when we were interrupted by everyday activities in our homes. We can easily return to where we left off in the transcription.