Monday, February 23, 2009

Meeting the Mono-Tu

When Keoilani first encountered the Mono-Tu in 1995 they indicated they are to be called the Mono-Tu for our benefit in having a name to reference. When asked what their name was they assured us the name was of little importance to them but for us as, human beings, they understood our needs. This would be the very first message receiving their name and the meaning:
Mono being One and Tu as the French version of You. (The One You)

The Mono-Tu is a group of beings that were described to as being from above the 9th.

Keoilani and CeCee have now been scribing messages from the Mono-Tu collaboratively for a couple of years and have recently released 'A Shift in Consciousness'.

A small excerpt follows:
While receiving messages from the Mono-Tu we are as conduits. Yet we are completely aware of our own bodies and our own individual and separate thoughts. Their love and respect of our being allows us to remain true to our own self, quirks and all. It is similar to answering the phone, you can hear and record what is being said and at the same time you are thinking and feeling separately. There have often been times for both of us while scribing their messages when we were interrupted by everyday activities in our homes. We can easily return to where we left off in the transcription.

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