Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Awakening of Our Agreement

I have chosen several small excerpts from the first chapter of a Shift in Consciousness to provide you, the reader with a hint of the writings of the Mono-Tu.

1. Taking time each day to listen and hear the words that are appearing before you is the critical application reminder. Together we will work with the vibration of words coming forth. There is power hidden within the words beyond mere letters on the page.
Each letter, each word, each page written infused with power of universal light force energy of healing and DNA encoding of understanding. Beginning in the realm of physical, moving through emotional, mental, and to spiritual, where profound recollection will be revealed easily now that you have stepped through the veil.

2. There is no time in any other dimension and or space. People of Earth believe in time and use it to control themselves. This is to slowly become unknown again and will alter every perspective of life as humans and those that desire human life to a point of good for the all. Knowing this and using the absence of time is to your assistance. Time is formed only in thoughts of the causal world not in reality of the One. [Our Creator, God, Supreme Being, Source]

3. In this present space you are and that is all that is needed – Being only is necessary, time spent in communication only is necessary, listening/ hearing, seeing/visioning only is necessary. No need of looking beyond but discovering this moment alone is necessary.

4. Many that seek to the light are now awakening the energies within that will answer the many questions of the body and the soul. This awakening has been and is a process of glacier movement [extremely slow moving] in timespace from long past to current present. So to seem of the new but not new and much older and stronger than is known by most. Many speak of this as new. Know this is not the new but the old.

5.Know this now opened cannot be closed. Energy of Source has been released moving timespace from your being. There are no limits to your expanse and your freedom. In these days you will feel change and know this truth we speak of in this your day.

6.It is helpful to research within your higher being for the truth that is presented to you always. The ability to find the seed of truth is there and it must be honoured like you honour the Creator or the One. Truth is often hidden within the words shared.

Each word scribed by us is directed to the reader and will speak to you in your Moment of Now.
Much Blessings!

Love and Light,

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