All part of preparation for what is to be set before you in this timespace. Nothing is left unprepared and is made ready when timing is upon you. The pathway is illuminating with each step forward taken. Following of heart beat sound as the ancients sound the drum in the wilderness sounding messages. Ancient ritual dance begins in unison as hearts open to oneness of all on the deepest level. A cord has been struck and the movement has begun. With abandon open to the spiral dance of recognition in no space and time. It is upon you now and within your hearing. It is as a rhythmic movement of evolved energy force travelling swiftly through universality to purify each and all on its path to remembrance.
Once an image is associated with a specific message, each time it is reread by us, the visual often comes to mind along with the words. It is part of the complete package of that particular scribed message.
Each message flows with a vibrating essence whether there is a visual image evident or not. The essence in the message is 'felt' behind and between the words. Regardless if this is understood by the reader in their thinking process or not, the message brings with it a knowingness at a deep level of our being.
Word vibrations flow continuously it is simply a matter of opening to allow their essence revealed. When in the flow all circumstances created are for purification, cleansing and healing whether it appears as truth or not in corporal body. ~Mono-Tu~
The Mono-Tu's messages of love exposes this truth through the use of essence and visuals for those ready to receive. We know the messages will touch your heart exactly where you are at in this moment of Now.
Blessings to All!
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