Monday, March 30, 2009

Focus is a Choice

As scribes of the Mono-Tu and creators, just as you are, we are all blessed. Maintaining focus on the flow and the One is our only pathway. Living life in this manner allows us opportunities to see the best and choose where we focus in any given moment of NOW time.

Throughout our journey, CeCee has scribed poetic messages from the Mono-Tu often reminding us that we choose where we focus. The following poem was written last year reminding us that the ability to create is ours:

Choose Again

Creation by default or the master plan

In the drama of illusion
As observers look within
Seeing moments of confused chaos
Speculation of Source greatness
Or in agony of fear and doubt
Travelling through from past to future
Instead of focusing on the now
Particles of possibilities floating in the ether
Like a giant wheel of fortune
Spinning uncontrolled.

Choose again

Creation evolving out of chaos
In perfected harmony
Beginning as the dance of disillusion
Soon letting go, giving in
We can choose again

Take comfort in this now moment

Stretch belief within, beyond
Peek at wonderful new imaginings
Potentially now renewed
Strengthened courage to move toward the edge
Like the caterpillars journey
Chrysalis to cocoon
The gentle silent movement that is happening within
Soon reveals itself in new creation
The amazing butterfly

Choose again

No turmoil in its moment
It simply is
Evolution undeterred by minds imaginings
Source creation
Moments of reflected journey
Visual portrait of our Self.

Choose again

There are times for all human 'beings' when it is easy to stay focussed especially when all is going well. There are other times when the illusions presented before us give us opportunities to Choose Again where our focus lies. The constant message from the Mono-Tu is diligent and clear focus regardless of outward appearances.

Always it is for the Sparks highest and best to maintain pure focus on the flow and the One continuously. By focus you create. Whatever your attention is upon sets creation in motion. Attention that grows based upon what is seen in the illusionary reality will be accepted as desirous of creation by the spark. If focus is based on the illusions of the physical, mental state then such begins to be. If focus is based on the flow and the One, where purification abides, opportunities for highest and best creation are available to the Spark. It is of your own choosing to select. There is only love or the absence of it.

May you choose the best for you this day!

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