When we knew everything was ready for us to take the next step, we did. We received our title ID number and uploaded the content, pictures and cover for 'A Shift In Consciousness' following their leading.
Often we chatted about what we discovered throughout the process - and were both moved to joy and excitement when we discovered that the book title ID number was the Master Number 33. Being inquisitive we wanted to know more. We found many websites referred to the double digit Master Numbers as being 'inherently masterful' or there is 'extraordinary promise symbolized in them'. These numbers are often considered other dimensional. A few of the references state that the number 33-
- Master Teacher
- focuses toward spiritual uplifting
- seeks understanding and wisdom before sharing with others
- not of this every day plane of existence
- very spiritual
- accesses unusual wavelengths
- energy is largely other dimensional
- high level of devotion
- offers guidance to the world
How appropriate that messages from the Mono-Tu would be scribed into a book with the Master Number 33! The more we read the more amazed we were.
Talk about a confirmation!!
Next we discovered that the page numbers being 272 add up to, you guessed it, the Master Number 11 which represents vision .
These are just a couple of examples of synchronicities that have shown up for us as we work with the Mono-Tu. It is an incredible journey and we have been so blessed to make these little discoveries that affirm again and again, their love for us and all sparks of the Source .
Many Blessings to each of you.
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