We thought about it, talked about it, read and reread the messages - until on one specific day Keoilani had an inspiration for the first chapter title only - that was 'The Awakening of Our Agreement'. When we read the first few messages it made perfect sense and so we began with that.
It seemed that the answer to our long thought out question simply appeared before us when we looked to the first chapter title and discovered it was taken right from the messages following.
We scanned through the messages and inserted title pages at random, both knowing there is no such thing as random events. We chatted together and the inspiration doors once again opened up and within a few short minutes we had titled all the chapters.
When we pulled together the table of contents it gave us each chills to see the titles listed one after the other.
- The Awakening of Our Agreement
- New Experiences
- Weaving Threads
- Walking in Total Oneness
- Agreements in Past Dimension
- Multitudinal Messages
- Collective Voice
- Energy in Timespace
- Effects of the Shift
- Simultaneous Harmony
It is of ease to become the creator of joy, love, peace, and happiness in your timespace of Now once the recognition of this immense truth is observed with unobstructed vision. All sense of struggle is ended and the pathway opens granting free passage with grace of movement.
Note: Mono-Tu words in green text.
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