We began not sure what would show up. It was absolutely mind-boggling on that first day when we sent our messages to each other and read them one after the other.
Their content was in perfect harmony and the messages followed one another as if they had been written by the same person in the same room, at the same time. In reality they were written by the same, the Mono-Tu.
We are both in different time zones and in different countries - so it was really something to compare the messages. For CeCee it was the first time for scribing messages not in poetic form and for Keoilani it was renewing something from the linear past.
In each of us there was a joy and excitement about what was clearly happening. It was a definite confirmation that we were indeed scribing their words. With each new message that was confirmed, again and again and we understood this was something special and unique that would be shared at some point.
The messages spoke to us individually and as a collective and we were learning and growing quickly. Shifts were continuous and the message behind the words grew more and more profound in each reading.
When they impressed upon us that these words were to be shared with others when the time was right, we knew it was so. And then it all happened.